Someday I'll think of a good intro for this webpage. In the meantime, consider this a placeholder.
I started writing on a transatlantic trip that Michele and I took in 2016. That was nearly a 30 day trip with most days on the open ocean. I found it a great way to pass the time and to channel some of my energies. I came to enjoy it, despite the constant struggle to find the right words. If nothing else, it's a way to remember details of our travels that might otherwise fade over time.
When we were getting ready for our trip to Antarctica, I thought about doing this again. I even had a few people ask me to do it. While I question those people's ability to discern what is good writing vs not-so-good, the idea of recording some of our adventures is an opportunity I didn't want to pass up. If nothing else, maybe you'll enjoy some of the pictures!
So it was in late January that Michele and I met up with our favorite travel companions - our sons Alex and Sean, and our daughter Christine - and took off for Buenos Aires on our way to the bottom of the world. I hope I can capture at least a little of the magic of this trip.